How well do you know Munro Homes?

We’re very excited for our clients to take possession of their new On-Trend Munro home (pictured here).

“Wait, maybe it’s just me, but this home doesn’t look like what I imagine an On-Trend Munro home that’s ready for a possession to be,” you may be thinking.

An On-Trend Munro home is all about co-creating a trendy home with our clients.

Instead of just relying on the ideas and floor plans we have in our archives, we’re happy to have folks bring forward their own ideas and floor plans.

In this case, these folks wanted us to build their new home to the stage referred to as the ‘Lock-Up’ stage. (We do this a fair bit, actually.)

In short, the so called lock-up stage is popular with folks who wish to do some of the finishing work on their new home themselves. (Munro Homes does all the ‘heavy lifting,’ such as the excavation, the foundation, framing the house, building walls, the roof, etc.)

Over to you: Building an On-Trend Munro home based on your ideas and floor plans can be made easy.

And it can start now. ?

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  1. Sandra M Whitford 01/03/2018 at 9:25 am

    I love many of your show homes but I find this site to be extremely frustrating. I want to see house plans presented in a easy to search way. You either need to change/add that option or explain better how to navigate your site. I would wager that you lose client interest with this site. It appears to be useful only after you have established rapour with a prospective client. Fan of the houses but Not a fan of this website.


    1. the munro crew 01/03/2018 at 10:56 am

      Thank you for your feedback, Sandra! Sorry to hear that you feel that way about our website. 🙁

      Re your question, here’s the short answer: Because almost all of our On-Trend homes are co-created with our clients practically from scratch.

      No two homes we have built are the same.

      You see, if we showed the floor plans we have in our archives on our website, some folks might feel like that’s all we do: rely on the floor plans we have in our archives.

      And yet, in reality, we want you and folks like you to bring your own ideas and floor plans, because an On-Trend Munro home is all about co-creating a trendy home with you.

      Hope this helps! 🙂


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