The best laptop, the best SUV, the best you-name-it.. how do you discover the best?
Maybe it’s just us, but we feel that one way to discover the best is to look closer at the details.
The best products and services are never shallow. Quite the opposite; they generously touch our senses because they are rich in meaningful details.
And they are rich in meaningful details because THEIR MAKERS PICK UP where most of their counterparts leave off.
Did you know that the makers of the best gadgets, SUVs, etc., are an important source of inspiration at Munro Homes? (Think brands like Apple, Samsung, BMW, etc.)
That is just one reason why every home we build is rich in meaningful details, even in places where you may not immediately spot them.
Case in point: Our show home in Greenside Terrace has Blueskin® VP100 home wrap, made by Henry Building Envelope Systems®.
The Blueskin® VP100 is the next-generation home wrap, and it helps get our homes closer to the so-called NetZero home standard.
(As you may know, NetZero homes are meant to be up to 80 percent more efficient than conventional homes and, ideally, have the potential to generate as much energy as they use.)
The Blueskin® VP 100 home wrap is just the latest example of our ongoing efforts to find new ways to better every detail of our home building system. It’s also the best way we know of maintaining the integrity and vitality of our ‘On-Trend Homes’ label.
If you wish to discover more about our On-Trend Homes, or make an appointment to visit our show home in Greenside Terrace, please contact our sales crew. Â