This just in ✨
Members of the local media (CTV, the Leader Post, CKRM, CJME, and MY 92.1) stopped by our award-winning show home in the Creeks earlier today to interview the president of our company, Colin Chorneyko, about the two awards our homes won at this year’s Canadian Home Builders’ Association (CHBA) National Awards for Housing Excellence ceremony.
Among other things, Colin mentioned that it’s both rare for a Saskatchewan home builder to win a national award for quality and design and that this was the first time a Regina builder has received multiple awards at the CHBA’s annual awards event.
Let us close this post by thanking the above members of the media for their time today, and by again thanking our clients, trade partners, and crew for making it possible for Munro Homes to officially be one of the best home builders in Canada.
We’ll never stop expanding the boundaries of new home building so that we can keep adding joy to the lives of our clients, and fellow Reginans, every time we get a chance to help our city and the province grow beautifully.
the Munro Homes crew